dunno. He said she had super powers even though she’s a baby. He said if I ate her heart then I’d have super powers too.”
“Why didn’t you talk to your mom? Like go get her in the basement.”
“The man said there was no time. He was kinda scary. He had a mean voice. I was afraid of what he’d do if I didn’t do what he said.”
“How did you feel when you were cutting your sister open?” Dietrich asked.
“Excuse me?” Sharon said. “How do you think he felt?”
“I’m trying to get an understanding of his mindset at the time. Understand his experience.” Dietrich explained. “Go ahead Simon.”
“Well, at first I was scared. When I stuck the knife in her, she screamed, but then she got quiet. She went all limp. So I kept cutting. The man told me how to do it and where her heart was. When I found it, I cut it out and then ate it. That’s when mommy came in.”
“Yes, I understand. What can you tell me about this man, Simon? Has he ever spoken to you before?”
“Sometimes. Usually at night. He’ll tell me he’s my friend. He says if I do what he says, I’ll be the strongest boy ever, like a super hero.”
“That must sound pretty exciting.”
“Yeah, I guess he was lying though. I don’t feel any stronger. I did everything he said. I can’t fly or anything.”
“Yeah, that is a shame, son. Has the man talked to you since then?”
“Only once, just before I left the group home.”
“What did he say?”
“He said he’ll make sure all those cunts choke on their own shit.”
Sharon gasped as Dietrich and Bernard looked at each other.
“Simon,” Dietrich said. “Did this man, does he have a name?”
“Can you tell me what it is?”
“No. He told me not to tell anyone.”
“You can tell us. We’re your friends, its safe.”
“No it isn’t. You’re not always with me. He is. He’s everywhere I go.”
“We’ll protect you,” Dietrich said.
“I don’t think you can.”
“We had a priest come over and seal our home. He poured holy water around and blessed his room and everywhere. So I think it might be ok.” She said.
“I’m sorry, but if this is who or what I’m afraid it is, none of that will do any good. I know from experience.”
“You think it’s that demon you fought before?” She asked.
“No, I wish it was.”
“What do you think it is? You’re scaring me.”
“I’d like a bit more evidence, if we can dig a little deeper. I have a few more questions for Simon if that’s ok.”
“I guess so,” she said.
“Simon, when was the first time you heard from this man?”
“Not long after the baby came home.”
“Had anything happened prior to you hearing from him? Like, had you guys just moved? Or did you maybe get a new toy, or did you meet strange people?”
“I don’t think so,” Simon said.
“I think I might know.” Sharon said. “Or at least have an idea.”
“What is that?”
“When he was digging in the yard, he found this little clay statue. Well, part of one. It looks like a dog or wolf and had some weird markings on it.”
Dietrich sat back and thought for a second.
“A wolf you say? Could it be a coyote?”
“I guess it could be that too. Why?”
“I believe what he found was a symbol used by the Karankawa Indian tribe that used to live in this area. They became extinct in the mid-1800s. One of the things they did was eat the flesh of their enemies to gain their strength and power. They are believed to have worshipped the wolf or coyote. To them those animals were sacred. The coyote is a symbol of strength and power. The symbol you found was for the coyote god, Yeshto’th, which means war and mayhem.”
“Oh my God.”
“I was just reading up on it earlier. But this god was most likely some kind of demon. When Simon found that clay statue, he somehow released him.”
“I didn’t mean to!” Simon said.
“We know, Simon. No one is mad at you. Where is the statue now?”
“It’s at