from my source of courage and confidence. Often it takes only five minutes for me to close my eyes, examine my feelings, and reconnect to my source. This shift can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few days, depending on the issue.
I promise you that if you’re willing to do the work, you will access the kind of confidence and courage you’ve always dreamed about. You may have this strength in some areas of your life, but the goal is for you to be able to access it in all the areas of your life.
Many of us too often wake up and say something to belittle ourselves, to minimize ourselves, to beat ourselves up. We don’t realize the crippling effect this mind-set has on our lives. We don’t realize that every negative thought undermines our self-confidence and diminishes our ability to stand tall in the face of life’s challenges and our everyday choices.
Let me assure you that the negative thoughts and things you say to yourself are lies. It’s okay to be yourself. You’re not the only one in the world who feels scared, alone, stupid, or unlovable. You’re not the only one who wakes up at times feeling unworthy, not good enough, hopeless, depressed, or stuck. You’re not the only one who feels angry, resentful, or pissed off. These are common feelings, and they provide real opportunities to learn how to be a spiritual being.
Courage takes you through a life-changing transformational process. I’ve seen it work in thousands of lives. This book is not just motivational, although it will motivate you. It’s not just inspirational, although it will inspire you. It’s not just educational, although you will learn many things from it. It is transformational. At the core, this book will shift how you see yourself, others, and the world.
The transformational process begins when you look beneath the surface of your thoughts, your beliefs, and your choices, exposing the underbelly of your behavior. In the pages ahead, you will discover the why and the how of your fear-based life—not to make it wrong or to judge it, but to explore, understand, and honor it as the reality that has brought you to where you are today. I promise that your life will alter when you see what has been hidden from your conscious view. When you take the time to explore your behavior without self-deception or illusion, you will be able to clean up the past and glimpse the future you long for.
As you move into the ownership phase, you will begin to take responsibility for all that you’ve been and all that you bring—and don’t bring—to the life you are living. You will learn that you can’t help but repeat the past when you are always carrying it with you. This allows you to see how you have participated in the realities you are living and understand that it is not possible to live in a circumstance, situation, or reality unless you have given it your consent on some level—consciously or unconsciously. When you realize that there is a part of you that is actively participating in your daily drama, you will start to let your authentic self emerge. It is then that your fears become secondary to your power, strength, and confidence.
In the final phase of the transformation process, you will discover how to fully embrace who you are as a human and divine being. You will stand in a new worldview, one that is based on the whole you rather than a small part of you. It is in this final stage—when you are able to see, feel, and embrace your divine, confident, and courageous self—that you will feel lit up from inside. It is here that you will know yourself as the warrior of love that you were born to be and feel the support of the entire universe at your side. And it is here that you will regain your trust in yourself and in humanity.
When you are able to embrace the whole of who you are, you are able to hold yourself and your history in your hands and in your heart without judgment, fear, or condemnation. Then, without hesitation, doubt,