Businesses, black; failed
Butler, Benjamin
Butler, Gabe
Butler, Henry
Byrd, Dave
Cain, Richard H.
Calloway, Jane Johnson
Camp Nelson
Cancer, Polly Turner
Cardozo, Francis L.
Cardozo, T. W.
Cardozo, Thomas
Carey, Mary Ann Shadd
Carruthers, Richard
Carter, Anthony E.
Carter, Cato
Carter, Lucy
Carter, Nelson
Chamberlain, Daniel
Chapman, Hannah
Charleston, South Carolina; churches in; liberation and Union occupation of; schools in
Charleston Mercury
Chase, G. Thurston
Chase, Jordan
Chase, Sarah
Cheatham, John J.
Cherokee freedmen; struggle of
Cherokee Nation
Chesapeake Marine Railroad and Dry Dock Company
Chester, Thomas Morris
Chestnut, A. J.
Chickasaw Nation
Child labor. See also Apprenticeship
Children, black: impact of war on; punishment of; white children teaching. See also Families
Childs, Mary
Child support
Chiles, George Washington
Chiriqui colonization scheme
Choctaw Nation
Christian Index
Christian Recorder
Churches; antebellum; biracial; blacksâ struggle to establish and maintain; burnings of; denominations attracting blacks; discipline of; impact on politics; as institution central to black community; segregation in; and slavery; Southern white opposition to black; support for education; womenâs struggle to gain acceptance into ministry
Cities and towns: migration to; urban former slaves. See also Migration
Civil and political rights; blacksâ struggle to hold onto. See also Social equality; Voting rights
Civil Rights Act of
Civil Rights Act of
Civil War: battles, beginning of; efforts to assist Union cause short of fighting; Lincoln on objective of
Claflin College
Clark, Indian
Clark, Rena
Clay, Henry
Cleburne, Patrick R.
Cobb, Howell
Coffin, Charles
Coleman, Eli
Coleman, Peter
Coley Annie
Colleges and universities, formation of black
Collier, Holt
Colonization, of slaves and free blacks
Colored Methodist Episcopal Church
Colson, Arthur
Colyer, Vincent
Communities, black; problems with; steps to promote interests of
Confederate cause, blacks aiding; reasons for
Confederate States of America; debate on arming African Americans; formation of
Confiscation Acts
Congressmen. See Politicians
Conservatives: black( see also Democrats); increasing power in 1870s, 228
Contraband Relief Association
Contrabands. See also Confederate cause, blacks aiding
Conway, Thomas W.
Cook, Jerry
Cooke, Major
Cooley, Rossa
Cooper, Charlie
Cooper, Frisby
Cornell, Hiram
Corporal punishment
Cox, Elijah
Crane, Mary
Crawford, Kate
Crawford, Samuel F.
Crittenden, John J.
Curtis, Mattie
Daffin, Sallie
Dallas, Moses
Dantzler, Juda
Daughters of Zion
Davenport, Carey
Davenport, Charlie
Davidson, W. M.
Davis, Jefferson; blacksâ attitude toward; military policies and orders
Davis, Lizzie
Davis, Tob
Davis, William Roscoe
Davison, Eli
Davison, Elige
Dawkins, Jake
Dawson, Mollie
Day, Annie
Day, Madison
Debro, Sarah
DeGrasse, John V.
Delany, Martin R.
DeLarge, Robert C.
Democrats, black; violence between black Republicans and. See also Politicians
Deportation. See also Colonization
Depression of
Desertion, among black troops
Dickson, Amanda
Dickson, David
Dillard, General
Discrimination, struggle against
Divorce. See also Marriage(s), and separation
Dixon, Sally
Dodson, Jack
Domestic violence
Donald, David H.
Doolin-Mason, Lena
Dorsey, Decatur
Dorsey, Nelson
Douglass, Frederick; and blacks in military; education; and emancipation; on Lincoln; on Northern benevolent societies
Douglass, H. Ford
Downing, George
Drago, Edmund
Dred Scott Decision
Drumgold, Kate
Drunkenness, among black troops
DuBois, W. E. B.
Dumas, F. E.
Duncan, Clara
Dunn, Lucy
Dunn, Oscar
Durham, Tempie
Easley, Elizabeth
Eaton, John
Economic independence; efforts to achieve; land ownership and
Education, black; and efforts to free blacks; financing; formation