noticed that she was there.
She felt a little shaken, or was it unsettled, or was it disappointment? Nick hadn’t mentioned another woman in his life, yet here he was gazing into the eyes of that lady in red. They appeared to be engaged in a very intimate conversation because Nick’s attention was focused only on her. He didn’t appear to notice anyone else or anything else in that room. He didn’t even look around once the entire evening.
“Is everything alright, Victoria?” Natasha asked half-way through the meal. “You look a little pale. Are the bugs okay?”
“No, no, everything’s fine. And the bugs are just fantastic. I could probably do with another glass of that champagne though,” Victoria assured her, trying not to look at Nick and that woman.
But it was impossible not to keep looking and every now and then Victoria could not resist. For a moment there it appeared as if the woman was crying, and Nick gently wiped a tear from her eye with his serviette. Then he tenderly stroked her hand as though he was trying to comfort her.
Who was this woman? They looked so close and as if they had known each other for a very long time.
“So, are you going surfing tomorrow, Victoria?” Natasha said as they finished their meals. “You seem to have really hit it off with Nick. Anything happening there that I should know about?”
“Oh, n-n-n0,” Victoria stammered. “I guess we’re just friends. And besides that he probably has a girlfriend already. And I might just check out the surf somewhere else tomorrow. I would love to explore the rest of the coast while I’m here.”
“That’s a good idea, Vicky,” said Natasha. “There is a great surfing beach twenty kilometers down the road from here. It’s called Greenmount Beach and you can rent surfboards there too.”
“You know, something, Tash. I might buy my own surfboard tomorrow. I can always leave it at your house if I go back home, and use it when I come to visit.”
“Or you could just move here and keep it at your own house,” suggested Natasha eager to convince Victoria to move to Australia.
That night after they had all arrived home, it dawned on Victoria that she had totally fallen for Nick. And that not since Tom had she ever wanted someone in her life this badly. I need you Nick. I want you more than anything. But I guess you’re taken.
Chapter 7
For the next few weeks, Victoria avoided any more surf lessons with Nick as well as visits to the Beach Bar. Instead she spent her days surfing at different spots along the twenty kilometer stretch of sand known as the Gold Coast, as well as doing some sight-seeing with Natasha while Dan was at work.
“Nick was asking about you this morning,” Katie said, feeling curious about why her mother was no longer seeing Nick, or visiting the Beach Bar. “He wondered if you might want to come along to church this Sunday. Christopher and some of the other kids are getting baptized during the service, and then there’s a lunch banquet at the Beach Bar afterwards to celebrate. He asked if you were okay?”
Victoria felt confused and surprised. Maybe he’s just being his usual, friendly self? “Oh, I don’t think so, darling,” she answered. “I had planned to spend this weekend visiting Brisbane. It’s only an hour away, and Natasha wants to show me some of the tourist spots up there. It’s our last weekend here, so I don’t want to miss the opportunity.”
“Oh, okay, Mum. I’ll tell him you’re busy, but I think he’ll be disappointed. He always asks me how you are. I think he really cares about you.”
“Oh, Katie, he’s just being polite and friendly, that’s all. You are such a romantic little thing. Don’t ever mistake friendship for romance. You have such a lot to learn about men and this world.”
“But, Mum, I think he really does like you, a lot.”
“Well, I like him a lot too. But I’m sure he has his own life and his own friends. He doesn’t need