Mark piloted their helicopter over to the Lotus Marai, even as the aircraft carrying the Australian prime minister approached his ship. He earlier had enough warning to done his old naval uniform, as his bridge crew had earlier received the flight details of the unique aircraft now lining up to land on his ship. Samantha reached over to straighten the corner of his uniform jacket and flash him a nervous smile, as he turned his attention back to the approaching plane slowing over his ship.
The plane was a third generation model of the V22 Osprey now produced under license in Australia. The latest Osprey featured two smaller five bladed finer progressive pitched propellers developed by Australian engineers. The changes allowed the newest Osprey to fly both faster and safer than the original US version that had utilized the two larger three bladed course pitched propellers. Steve watched as the Osprey seemed to fill the helicopter deck of his ship before the pilot shut down the engines. The side door opened, he braced and held a salute, as Ian Ridge led three other people from the Osprey towards Steve and Samantha.
‘Sir, welcome aboard the Aurora Discovery. This is my wife Samantha.’
Ian looked Steve in the eye as he shook hands with the both of them. He quietly spoke in reply as he now took in the ship and his surroundings.
‘At ease Captain, and it is a pleasure to finally meet you and your wife. I will have a short meeting with your entire mission team before we go across to meet the aliens.’
The Australian prime minister introduced his assistants, and then reached into his pocket. He handed Steve two sets of captains’ epaulets to replace the commanders’ epaulets now on his uniform. Steve pocketed the items, thanked the prime minister and led the visitors towards the large meeting room and the other team members.
Captain Narindestat sat back in his command chair with mixed feelings. He felt relief that he could stop looking at the various ship reports, but that was now mixed with consternation about what Emeria was telling him.
‘Captain, the humans were correct about the effects of the nitrogen gas on Garendestat as he surfaced in his space suit from deep water. My own initial tests on volunteers using a small airlock have been promising. I need your authorization to do further tests with one of the reinforced small cargo holds, as I need to get the test pressure just over four Trader atmospheres for an extended period.’
The captain looked at the data tablet his medical officer handed him and noted the test results as he gave his agreement.
‘Emeria I hope you are careful as we both know that oxygen at five atmospheres for an extended period is fatal to us. Otherwise you have my permission to go ahead, and I want the most affected personnel treated first.’
Emeria glanced around the bridge at the crew, who were making studious efforts to ignore her report.
‘Captain, I can give the crew a mixture of drugs so that the onset of any fatal pressure sickness is slowed. However I have to avoid invalidating the benefits of the pressure chamber process. Fortunately we are reasonably well equipped as a species to handle this treatment as the humans by comparison find oxygen fatal at two of their atmospheres.’
The captain now changed topics after Emeria brought the humans into the report.
‘Emeria, can you contact the Barus ship overhead as I have a request of them.’
Emeria listened with growing interest as the captain outlaid concise instructions about what he was seeking, and what limited information was to be revealed in return.
Steve again drove the lead runabout, with Ian Ridge aboard, towards the landing beach and the awaiting