explained. “It was a misunderstanding that we found funny.”
Zoke quickly stopped, his mouth flat. “I’m being teased?”
Steffen looked to Effie and Reela for help.
“Yes,” Effie answered to Steffen’s surprise. “And it was his idea not to tell you.” She pointed at Steffen accusingly.
“It was not!” Steffen made sure to yell quickly, fear running hot through his body as he stepped away from Zoke’s vicious yellow eyes.
“Effie…” Reela giggled out her name.
“I’m joking, Zoke.” Effie hopped over to him, emphatically reaching her hand out for a shake. Steffen couldn’t help but notice that she looked so small then, standing in front of the thick-chested Krepp.
It wasn’t just that Effie was short, but she was thin as well. This was easy for Steffen to forget. The little mage exuded quite the presence.
“We all tease each other sometimes,” Effie said. “Not to offend one another, just for fun, and sometimes as a sign of affection. It’s how we welcome people—um, Krepps as well, I guess. Welcome, Zoke. Now shake my hand properly.”
Zoke nodded to show he understood, taking Effie’s hand with a violent shake.
“Too hard!” Effie complained, pulling back her hand and rubbing it.
Zoke seemed frustrated, his eyes narrowing. “I don’t understand the point of this!”
“I don’t know how to explain it,” Effie said, looking to Reela behind her.
Reela approached. “Here, maybe some psyche will help.” She extended her hand.
But Zoke wouldn’t reach for it. His face twisted and he shied away as if her touch would burn him. “I don’t want psyche used on me.”
Reela rolled her eyes but maintained a smile. “Stop being a coward.”
Zoke grumbled, stepping forward with his chest out.
So it’s as easy as that. Steffen made a mental note to insult the Krepp’s pride the next time he needed him to do something. Reela is always quick to understand people...and Krepps too, apparently.
They took each other’s hands. With their fingers clasped around one another’s palms, neither of them moved. Zoke was short for a Krepp, about Steffen’s height. So Reela was nearly as tall as Zoke was.
She looked deeply into his eyes. Steffen had seen this expression enough to know that she was using psyche.
Soon their hands were maneuvering up and down in a calm shake.
There was something eerie about it to Steffen, as if he were watching someone sleepwalking. All was quiet, and Zoke wore an expression Steffen hadn’t seen before—complete indifference—and while being touched by a Human, something that usually would’ve prompted a stream of saliva.
As soon as Reela let go of the Krepp’s hand, Gabby stepped toward Zoke with a wide grin.
“Me next.”
Zoke’s eyes didn’t seem to want to shift to her as they began shaking hands, remaining on Reela instead for a breath. Then life came back into his face, his scowl returning as he reluctantly shook Gabby’s hand.
“Now for another custom. Sit with us and have a drink,” Effie told Zoke, gesturing toward the table where a jug of sakal and some glasses awaited. “Reela has some surprising news to share.”
Gabby stomped her foot. “First I want to say something!”
She waited for everyone’s eyes to be on her before continuing.
“When all of you left with Terren weeks ago, no one wrote to me.” Approaching Steffen, she nearly had her folded arms pressed against his belt when she stopped. “ You especially should’ve told me you were leaving for so long!”
Being about Effie’s height, Gabby was more than a whole head shorter than Steffen. Straining her neck to meet his eyes, she jabbed him in the chest with her finger. “I came to visit when I didn’t hear from anyone,” she said, her voice softening. “Do you know how scary it was to find the house empty with no idea as to what happened or even who to ask?”
“We had to leave quickly,” Effie tried to explain. “We didn’t have time to write a