“Think you could handle it?”
I whizzed a paper at someone's front porch, just a little too hard. It slammed into the screen door: dogs started barking up and down the street.
“Sure,” I said. “No sweat. Just let me finish up.”
He leaned out the window and waved some money in my face.
“Come on,” he told me. “I'll make it worth your while.”
At the corner, Burnsy opened his trunk and threw my bike and canvas bag inside. By the time we got back from Angela's, I didn't feel like finishing my route. I went home, stuffed the last fifty papers into my bag, and rode out to the woods behind Indian Park. I dumped the papers into the brook, then sat down under a tree to leaf through a copy of
someone had thoughtfully left behind.
“Sue really likes you,” Angela whispered. “Do you like her?”
“I don't know,” I said. “We just met.”
Sue was the redhead. Her parents were away for the weekend, and her older sister had agreed to let us have the house to ourselves on Fridaynight. It was my job to keep her occupied so Kevin could be alone with Angela.
Sue and I sat rigidly on the love seat while Kevin and Angela huddled together on the couch, holding hands and playing games with their fingers. Angela smoked like an old movie star, closing one eye and shooting a slender jet of smoke at the plastic-covered lampshade. She was wearing a turquoise tube top, and I felt a pang of sadness. Sue was okay. She had thick red hair and a cute face. But Angela! I must have been staring, because she smiled at me and stuck out her tongue.
“Hey,” Kevin said. “Let's play spin the bottle.”
It was a surprising suggestion. None of us had ever played before, and Kevin had to explain the rules. I got Sue on the first spin of the game. Embarrassed, I craned my neck and planted a quick dry peck on the corner of her mouth. Kevin booed.
“What kind of a kiss was that?”
Sue spun next and got Kevin. Their mouths were so wide open it looked more like artificial respiration than making out. When they finally unstuck their faces, Kevin collapsed to the floor. Sue wiped her mouth and grinned.
Angela's kiss had a sweet, complicated taste. I felt her tongue working its way between my teeth and then something else, something soft and loose, and the next thing I knew her gum had slipped into my mouth, a secret gift. We kept going until Kevin wrenched us apart.
Angela fanned her face with one hand. “Whew,” she said. “Who turned up the heat?”
The game ended on the next spin. Kevin and Angela started on their knees, then tipped over and stretched out on the floor. Five minutes passed, and they still hadn't surfaced for air.
Sue smiled apologetically. “Well,” she said. “Looks like you're stuck with me.”
We kissed for a while, then decided to go for a walk. We ended up sitting on the swings at a playground down the street. It was a beautiful night, the whole world at room temperature.
“I'm sorry Kevin dragged you here,” she said.
“He didn't drag me. I wanted to come.”
“Right.” She pushed off and started swinging lazily back and forth. “Angela always tries to fix me up with her boyfriends’ friends.”
“Does she have a lot of boyfriends?”
“Pretty many. The last one was nineteen. Her father threw a shit fit when he found out.”
“Nineteen,” I said. “That's incredible.”
“I know,” said Sue. “But I think she really likes Kevin. He sends her flowers and writes her these sweet little poems. I wish someone would do that for me.”
I didn't say anything. I just sat there chewing Angela's bland gum, thinking about her and Kevin.
“I'm scared of going to high school,” she said. “Aren't you?”
“I'm not going yet.”
She seemed surprised. “How old are you?” “I'll be thirteen next week.” “Huh,” she said. “I thought you were older.” She hopped off the swing and cartwheeled into a handstand. Her shirt came untucked, exposing a