didn’t know about? Did the Hagans move their den? Was there another family of outcasts running around Kentucky?
On a normal day, at a normal school in a normal class, I would have gone through every possible scenario at least a hundred times so I would have something intelligent to say when I called Liam at lunch. But this wasn’t a normal day at a normal school in a normal class. This was my first day at Scout’s school, and this class was already one of my favorites since she was sitting in the front row.
“His last name is Cole,” she was saying as I slid into the seat behind her. I tried not to grin like an idiot over the fact that she was talking about me, but failed miserably. “I don’t remember what his first name is though. Some really generic ‘A’ name. Alan? Andrew?”
“Alex,” I added helpfully. She turned around, and I was once again struck momentarily speechless at the sight of her. “Should I call you Scout or Miss Donovan?” I asked, recovering quickly, but not cunningly.
“Scout will be fine.”
“I’m Talley,” said the girl I hadn’t even really noticed, lost deep in Scout Land as I was. Her friend had deep blue eyes and hair so dark it almost looked blue. She was like a curvier version of Wonder Woman. The smile she gave me was both apologetic and friendly as she stretched out a hand. When my hand touched hers, a tingle shot up my arm.
Seer .
And now my imagination was really running away with me. First I thought I saw a Shifter on the basketball court, and now I was turning Scout’s friend into a Seer. Liam was making me paranoid.
“Nice to meet you, Talley,” And, just because I wanted to see how Scout would react, I said, “Cool name. Very non-generic.”
The best thing about a girl with snow white skin? You don’t have to be paying attention to see her blush. But when you are, it’s like every pore gets pink at its own pace. I had seen the dream version of Scout’s blush a million times, but seeing it in person was a new and wonderful experience. Another ice cream treat, this time with a cherry on top. I could have stared at her for the rest of the class. Heck, my day was pretty free. I wondered if the teachers would object to me staying right there in front of her for the next few hours.
“Thanks,” I heard Talley reply. I tried to look at her to be polite, but I couldn’t talk my eyeballs into it. “My mom went into labor with me at O’Talley’s restaurant. It was the only thing her post-childbirth drug addled mind could come with when they asked her for a name.”
Something about O’Talley’s restaurant set off little alarms in my head, but I was too busy coming up with something to say to Scout to pay attention.
“Cool. And how does one become a Scout? Are you like a super cookie salesman?”
Scout narrowed her eyes. “It’s because my name is Harper Lee.”
Oh, sweet Jesus. She was named after an author and nicknamed after a literary character. Could she be any more perfect? “Why not Boo?” I asked, knowing it would annoy her. For some reason, I liked annoying Scout. Maybe it was because she always blushed when I did.
I was waiting for her undoubtedly snarky reply when I was distracted by the over-powering smell of perfume. A girl folded herself into the seat next to me, her smile a million miles wide. “Hi, you must be new here,” she said. “I’m Ashley.”
Ashley was very pretty in that very normal high school girl way. Her eyes were big and surrounded by long, make-up encased lashes; her flawless skin had a healthy end-of-summer glow; her hair was perfectly dyed and styled to look like something out of a magazine or country music video; and her boobs were... well, noticeable. Very noticeable. Like I could almost see nipple noticeable.
“Well, Ashley, it’s nice to meet you,” I said, trying desperately hard to not stare at the boobs that seemed to be getting closer and closer to me with every breath she took. “I’m Alex