chose him as my avatar.”
The Reeban were feathered and easily irritated, but they were also fiercely loyal when given reason to be. If there was a problem, it was likely that a small minority were fanning the flames.
“Why would Issul be safe with me? You have far more power than I do to keep your Avatar safe.”
“He needs to get to the throne that they have constructed within the temple of Zeering. If he can take the seat, they will accept him as my chosen. This was an arrangement devised by the priests, but I have managed to keep any of their candidates from taking the seat of the Avatar.”
The grim cast to his voice let her know that those who tried to sit on the throne never stood up again.
She nodded. “So, you want him guarded until he can park his tush on the throne?”
“Precisely. You seem the kind of woman who can guard those under her care. I trust you, Sebena.” His eyes were equal parts gold and navy when he said it and she blushed again as the admiration in his tone melted her.
Captain Helov looked between them and he smiled slightly. “Gunner, you will be given a set of weapons and the safety of the Avatar will be on your shoulders. You have six hours to requisition any additional items that you think you will need. Good luck, Gunner.”
She fought tears at being forced away from what was her home. Sebena straightened her shoulders and inclined her head. “Avatar Issul, I will meet you in the starboard shuttle bay in six hours. I have lists to make.”
Sebena got to her feet and turned to leave, but Issul grabbed her wrist. He stood and leaned toward her. “Thank you for this, Sebena. I will not forget it.”
The memory of their first kiss ran through her thoughts and she relaxed, some of the worry for her future melting away at the genuine concern in his eyes. “I know you won’t.”
He released her wrist and she left the room, her mind running through possibilities and everything she would need to defend a planet’s body against some angry birds.
Chapter Five
Sebena was quiet as she piloted the ship toward Zeering. She was wearing stunners strapped to each thigh and a stun rifle was stowed in the back. Now that they were alone, she had a request to make.
“Issul, can you ask Zeering to change my hair colour? I know it is not normal for a planet to make changes to someone other than their Avatar, but I know it can be done.”
He looked at her with confusion. “I like your hair colour.”
She smiled. “Thank you, but the Reeban determine rank by the crest colour.”
A hint of understanding came to his eyes. “And you want your rank to be high?”
“It will make things easier. Pink is one of the rarest colours for a female and so I think that if it was my colour, it might ease things along a bit. At the very least, it will offer a distraction for them. They will be watching me and not you when you ascend the throne.”
They were approaching the atmosphere. She hoped that he agreed, because this was one thing that they needed for any of her nine schemes to work.
“Give me your hand.”
She extended her right hand to him and his palm slid along hers. Power ran up her arm and crawled up her neck, coming alive along her scalp.
She couldn’t see what was happening to her hair, but the energy flowing through her gave her the same tickle as licking a nine-volt battery.
“There. It is a very pretty shade, but I will miss your original colouration.” He sounded wistful, but there was admiration in his gaze.
She fought her blush and tugged her hand free. “Thank you, Issul and Zeering. This will be most helpful. Now, I just need to find a place to land us within walking distance to the temple.”
“Why don’t we just land in the city?”
“If the attacks on you were truly assassination attempts, then we need to come in quietly, bringing as little attention to ourselves as possible. Barring that, I will land us right in the centre of the square and I will blast our way