colleagues off to try and get a trace on this line, that rotund bumbling character with the sewer mind, Darrie I think you called him. Could you do me a favour please and switch the TV on? The remote control is next to the telephone. You only need to press the red on/off button at the top.’
Saul bent down and picked up the remote and did as requested. After a second, the blank screen burst into life and he found that he was looking at himself looking at the TV. Half the screen was taken up showing the room they were in. He turned and looked toward the bookcase, and his image on the screen did the same. The other half of the screen showed what appeared to be a blanket with an arm slightly visible. The aspect looked confined and the lighting was fairly low. Overlaid in the top corner of this part of the screen was a heart rate monitor, with a solitary rhythmic beep coming from the speakers of the TV.
‘On the left screen, Mr Saul, is a real time video stream of this room. I have been watching you since you arrived and know that you have already gathered a great deal of evidence that will be crucial in identifying our poor friend’s real killer. So yes, I know that Mr Darrie is currently calling Headquarters to ask them to put a trace on this line. It will do no good, but let him try.’
Saul had an agitated expression on his face as he looked between the TV, the bookcase, the body and the nonplussed expressions of his colleagues.
‘Sir, I don’t quite understand the necessity for these theatrics. Surely if you just give me the information you have we can see how it pertains to the murder. I’m not at all sure what you gain from this.’ Saul finished, casting an expressive arm in an arc taking in the room and looking directly into where he though the camera was.
‘Mr Saul, let me cut to the quick and get you focused on what you need to do. You are the detective. In this room, there are enough clues to allow you to progress your investigation. You have a body. You have a crime scene, and within a few hours you will have the identity of that body and who was convicted of killing him. From there, you will have all of the transcripts from the investigations and the subsequent trial. I am giving you most of this on a plate. My challenge to you is that I want you to bring the real murderer back to this room by midnight tonight.’
Saul looked from the TV back to the camera. He held his arms out in exasperation before he put the phone back to his ear. ‘Well, I am sure that we can start to look at the evidence we find in this room, but I think you are being unrealistic in your expectations of getting any conclusions in a day. There are processes to go through if new evidence is brought to light for previous convictions.’
‘I am well aware of that. That is why I mentioned earlier that you may need a little encouragement. Please take note of the image on the right side of the TV. That is a real time video feed as well. A real time video feed of a real person. A real person currently ensconced in that container you see in front of you. Don’t worry, they are perfectly safe: for now. They are sedated and blissfully unaware of the predicament they are in. However, if you do not bring the real murderer into this room before midnight tonight, that will be a different matter entirely.’
Saul’s face fell, ‘Look, I’m sure if we talk through this, understand what information you have and see what we can…’ Saul was interrupted.
‘Mr Saul. I understand how the system works. You also need to be aware that the container in front of you is lined with Semtex. Do not attempt to open it, or it will explode. Do not try and disrupt the video stream coming from it or it will explode. Do not try to tamper with the casing in any way, shape or form or it will explode. Do I make myself clear?’
‘Crystal.’ rumbled Saul staring in anger at the