passed the worry became too much. Alyssa packed a few things and she made her way to the parking garage where her beat up Ford Escort sat hidden away from the prying eyes of her coworkers.
The car was a real piece of shit. It ran okay most of the time but it was so rundown and so ugly that Alyssa just opted to take the subway most days. She was embarrassed to be seen in it and the subway was more convenient anyway. She kept it though, for situations like this. Her mother lived in one of the poorer neighborhoods in Brooklyn. It wasn't an area that Alyssa felt comfortable enough with to take public transportation. Too many muggings, too many stabbings, too many rapes occurred in the subway stations to even risk it. Of course if Alyssa's crappy car decided to break down in a bad area, then she was no better off anyway. Nervous and highly frustrated, Alyssa packed her car and made her way to her mom's apartment.
When she arrived Alyssa looked up at the complex. Her mother's apartment was on the fifth floor and it had two windows facing the street. Alyssa frowned as she noticed that one of the windows was broken. Jagged glass shards could be seen and the wind was blowing the curtains. Oh my God, what happened now? Alyssa thought as she stared at the window. Fearfully she entered the building and started walking toward the stairs. The elevator in the old building never worked properly and she was downright afraid to risk taking it. The last thing she wanted was to end up stuck in a stopped elevator for days on end or worse having the damn thing drop while she was in it. The stairs weren't a much better option though, as they creaked and groaned with every step and the railing was loose and broken in several places. As an added bonus, she had to step over a drunk who was passed out on the steps between the third and fourth floors and she kept her head down as she passed a drug deal in process on the landing at the fifth floor. The two men involved in the illegal exchange stared at Alyssa as she passed but she did not make eye contact with them. Instead she just kept walking toward her mother's door.
"Mom?" Alyssa called out as she knocked on the door. There was no answer. Alyssa tried again twice, still no response. Alyssa pressed her ear against the door. She didn't hear anything. Suddenly Alyssa felt sick to her stomach. She nervously used her spare key to unlock the door. It opened and she cautiously made her way into the apartment.
"Mom?" Alyssa called out once again, her voice shaking with fear.
The apartment was filthy and it stunk to no end. There were dishes piled in the sink and on the counter. They look like they hadn't been washed in weeks. House flies and fruit flies circled around the kitchen in drones. The garbage was overflowing onto the floor and there was trash scattered everywhere in the apartment. Fast food containers, pizza boxes and paper plates made up the majority of the mess and most of it was growing mold. Cockroaches darted about amongst the debris. Alyssa covered her nose and mouth with her sleeve as she passed the piles to shield out as much of the smell as she could.
The apartment was freezing, probably due to the broken window. Alyssa doubted that her mother had any heat either. She often went without utilities because paying for drugs and booze was generally the priority over bills and food. Alyssa was actually impressed to see so much food waste. It was a horrific mess, but at least her mom was eating. Alyssa walked toward her mom's bedroom. It was a mess with dirty clothes and drug paraphernalia. Two used condoms lay on the floor in front of the bed.
"Oh God, I so didn't need to see that," Alyssa grumbled.
"Mmmhh..." a soft moan came from the bathroom.
"Mom? It's me, Alyssa."
Alyssa carefully walked toward the bathroom, stepping over the random piles of junk and garbage that lined the hallway. She jumped and gave a startled cry as a