All In (Casino Nights #2) Read Online Free Page A

All In (Casino Nights #2)
Book: All In (Casino Nights #2) Read Online Free
Author: Melanie Jayne
Tags: menage, casino, long distance, older man, older woman
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naked under his suit. “Wow,” she whispered.
    He grinned at her and moved to his chest of drawers. “What?”
    “I just didn’t expect that.” She motioned her hand in an up and down movement, encompassing his nakedness. “You know, commando.” Her mouth had gone dry. She was a total mess.
    “I like the way it feels.” He took out a pair of gray shorts and pulled them on. He then rummaged through the drawer and located a pair of navy shorts. “These have a drawstring, so they might work for you.” He laid them on top of the chest.
    “Can I borrow a shirt, too?” She watched him open another drawer and paw through the neatly folded shirts.
    He found a red T-shirt and dropped it on top of the shorts. “It’s going to be huge.” He then pulled out a white T-shirt for himself.
    “I’m sure it’ll be fine,” she said faintly, already making plans to take the shirt home with her. She turned back to the photos. “I’ve found you in both of these. You’re always in the back row.”
    He moved behind her and pointed to the group of five. “The second guy on the left, he’s the one getting married in a few months. It’s his engagement party in Denver that I told you about.”
    “Will all of you be able to go to the wedding?”
    He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into his body. “I know Bruce invited us all and our ‘plus ones’. I don’t know if Marc,” he pointed to a slender, African-American man, “will make it.” He dropped his chin to her shoulder. “He’s had some problems. He checks out from time to time.”
    She could hear the worry in his tone. “What about the engagement party? That might be a little more relaxed for him.”
    “Marc is going farther and farther off the grid. He’s really good with computers, and when we got back, he studied investing and shit. He’s made a lot of money, or at least I think he has. The last time Trevor saw him,” Remy pointed to another man, “he said he was living in a basement of a house in Detroit, and it looked like he was one of those Doomsday Preppers.”
    “I hope he can make it, and that he’ll be better.” She let her arms rest on top of his, liking the feel of his warm body against her back. Some of her tension eased. She gave his hand a gentle squeeze as they continued looking at the photos.
    “Why don’t you change, and I’ll get us a couple of beers.” He kissed the side of her neck and headed downstairs.
    “Can I take a shower?” she yelled after him.
    “Sure, fresh towels are hanging over the laundry hamper in the bathroom.”
    Remy pushed back his chair and started to clear the table.
    Francesca waved him away. “I’ll do that. You cooked, so I’ll clean up.” She started to gather the used plates and utensils.
    “You cooked, too.” He continued clearing.
    “Remy, I don’t think unwrapping the foil from the potatoes and mixing up a salad counts as cooking.” She was enjoying herself. They’d worked well together in the kitchen. She stopped insisting and followed him into the kitchen, laying the dishes on the counter top. “Why don’t you deal with your grill, and I’ll take care of the dishes?” She laid her hands on his chest to push him backward out of the kitchen, or that was her intent. However, her hands slid upward, around his neck, and she stood on tiptoe and kissed him.
    His hands dropped to her ass. “Too bad about the shorts.” He squeezed one ass check and then the other, flashing a sexy grin.
    Even with the drawstring pulled tight, the shorts had ridden so low on her hips she’d decided to go without. His t-shirt hit mid-thigh, and it was just the two of them... “I can put them on, but every time I move I have to hold them up.”
    “I’m glad you didn’t bother. I like this. In fact, I’m trying to figure out how to get your panties off, too.”
    She snickered. “Go deal with your grill, and then we can think about panties-off time.”
    “I like the sound of
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