her cry. It was what had caused her to start her investigation. It tested all the skills she had learned when she had started working for her super secret agency. Those talents had come in handy once she had decided that her little girl was alive and needed her. No one would keep her from her little one but she needed help. Once she had discovered origin backed the facility she had gone to, she had no problem finding out what was really going on behind closed doors. After she found out they had a captive god, she knew exactly where to turn to for help. The slightly thick headed god that manned the line she called had worried her at first, but the woman she spoke to had to be a mother too. It came across in her tone and her words. She would see to it she got the help she needed in return for the information they sought. It was odd, she had really liked his voice. She could almost visualize him and it gave her a small sense of comfort. They would arrive today and by tomorrow her baby would be back in her arms. The folder sat on her desk in her home office. She had upgraded to a three bedroom apartment in preparation for the baby. It infuriated her that this organization thought so little of what they did to the women they victimized and the gods they had created. Lucy didn’t intend to stop with freeing her child. There were other mothers who’d had babies ripped from their bodies literally and told they’d died. They had no reason to doubt a doctor who quietly and mournfully told them they couldn’t save the little one. The guy should be an actor because he looked on the verge of tears the whole time he had talked to her. As usual, thinking about that hellish day upset her but no more than her empty arms. She thought back to when she had discovered what had really transpired. She’d hacked their computer finding all kinds of secrets hidden within. She had scrolled and searched finding everything they wanted to hide. Her baby was still being kept on site for now but there was talk of moving her and the other babies that they had stolen from their mothers. Glutted with arrogance because of the success they had achieved, they had become careless with their security. Lucy was the best that she knew of. She could do things other computer specialists couldn’t. That was why she worked for what she called the inner circle . It was the most secret agency of all. They were so secret, she’d never heard even a whisper of their existence before. They worked behind the scenes sending information to the well known agencies when it was time to take public action. Much of the action they took was not public. It might even be considered illegal but her agency was above the law and operated under a special mandate. They saved hostages just to hand them off and let others take the glory. They assassinated enemies of the state, but were never caught. That old saying about the best of the best applied to the people she worked with. Extensive training in what they did was given to all, even computer nerds. She had learned from the best and she had found she was good at the things a spy needed to know. It had come ion handy with her current dealings with origin and would be just as valuable in her campaign against them. They had messed with the wrong woman and she would make them pay again and again. She checked her watch, it wouldn’t be long now. She had to admit to curiosity about what Adonis looked like. Would he resemble his namesake? She knew he would be tall and built, all the gods were. His voice had been husky, sexy. She needed to get him out of her mind especially until her baby was in her arms again even though she needed a distraction from the constant worry and stress. It was just a little harmless imagining after all. She had nothing to do until they arrived which would be anytime now. The call came none too soon and she answered her phone. “Lucy?” “Yes, is this Adonis?” she asked even though she recognized his