student, and in his place sat a sheepish little boy. Sian had seen
Joshua through Matt's eyes, and she hadn't appreciated the
experience. Matt might feel responsible for his younger brother, but
he was not Joshua's father and could not take the place of that man,
who had died some years ago.
She quickly and efficiently put her hair back into a sleek french
braid, then left her friend's apartment. Sian, Jane, Jane's boyfriend
Steven, and Joshua were going to Lake Michigan for the day, and she
was determined to enjoy the holiday as much as possible.
Chances were that, after her impassioned speech last night, Joshua
would be scared off from proposing for good. His older brother
would have gone back to Chicago some time this morning, and that
would be that. The whole situation was simple, really, just a storm in
a teacup in the cosmic scope of things, and Sian could get back to her
uncomplicated life. By the time she had driven back to her own
place, she had firmly resolved to put the annoying Matt Severn out of
her mind.
The original plan had been that everybody would help clean up, then
take off to the Indiana Dunes in two cars. But when Sian went
through the back gate, the garden was already clean and tidy. She
looked around in surprise. All the signs of the party were cleared
away and several full black plastic bags were piled neatly by the
kitchen door.
The apartment was similarly neat and, after last night, echoed with
emptiness. The muted sound of the shower came from the direction
of the bathroom. Shaking her head in bemusement, for Jane had
never before shown such initiative for housekeeping, Sian travelled
down the hall and put a hand on the doorknob of her bedroom.
The door opened inwards, and it was not propelled by her. Caught off
balance and still in motion, she collided with a very large body. Two
hands shot out to grip her arms; her own, outstretched, splayed flat on
a lean bare torso. For one sulphurous moment she felt surprisingly
silken skin, the sinuous rippling of hard abdominal muscle, and she
snatched her hand back as if she'd been burned while staring wide-
eyed up into Matt Severn's tough, formidable face.
She gasped, as her world tilted, 'You!'
'Me!' agreed Nick mockingly, his hazel gaze snapping with some
volcanic emotion.
His hands were large and warm, and curled easily around the
circumference of her upper arms. He shifted them down to her
elbows, and the sensation of those callused palms sliding along her
sensitive skin was so shockingly intimate that she recoiled violently.
'What are you doing here in my room?' she demanded, feeling
exposed and invaded.
'Making the bed,' he said. Then, at her furious glare, he added with a
careless shrug, 'I had to sleep somewhere, didn't I?'
Sian looked around a broad, tanned shoulder at the neat peach-
coloured bedspread. It looked just as she had left it the day before,
but a mental image of his long male body stretched out between her
sheets, his rather long tawny hair spilling on to the pillow, produced
the strangest reaction in the pit of her stomach. Swallowing hard and
frowning fiercely, she muttered, 'Why didn't you just go home?'
'Temper,' he chided, then moved with silent, menacing deliberation to
shut the door behind her. When she made an involuntary, protesting
movement, he turned to lean against the panels, blocking the exit. 'I
was over the drinking limit. You wouldn't have wanted me to cause a
car accident, would you?'
'No, of course not!' she snapped, throwing her bag down on the floor
in an impetuous gesture, inwardly struggling against a deep sense of
unease at how he had trapped her into this confrontation.
His searing gaze was like two gold coins; he was as angry as he had
ever been with her yesterday, Sian saw, and she was bewildered, for
surely the break from hostilities should have cooled things down.
'Where did you sleep, darling, and with whom?' he queried silkenly.