she responded. His movements halted for a second and his head dipped slightly besides hers. He was disappointed she could tell, but he should be used to that by now. She felt a little sorry for him, partly inspired by the shame she was feeling. “You wouldn’t really want me to say that.” She tried to make up for his disappointment by stating what she honestly thought of as the truth.
“I would, honestly. You’re so beautiful…”
“I’m not beautiful,” she interrupted. “My chin is too fat, my nose is too big.”
“You are beautiful. I’m always seeing men look at you.”
This brought her mind back to the dangerous business card stowed away in her bag, its sparse black text proclaiming her admirers name, ‘Mark’. She couldn’t deny that this stranger had obviously found her attractive, or at least worthy of staring at for some reason.
“Not just beautiful,” he added. “You’re attractive, which is even better. All men fancy you.” He sounded desperate now and she knew from previous events where his thoughts were going. “I can’t be enough for you when there are so many men who would love to have you.”
She wasn’t sure if the anger she was beginning to feel was related to the bringing up of an old subject, one of Philip’s perennial fantasies, or due to the guiltiness she was feeling because she had indeed been thinking of another man as they were making love. “Just leave it, Philip, you’d hate it if I even so much as looked at another man. You were always so jealous.”
“I know I was. And no I would not. Not now. It turns me on. The thought of you with another man. I don’t know why, but it just does. And I really would let you. If you wanted to.”
“Which I don’t,” she added. “And you know I hate talking dirty. I’m no good at it. It just embarrasses me.”
He sighed again, but he resumed the slow rhythm. He hadn’t softened, if anything he felt more rigid, more solid than ever. She allowed him to continue although, for her at least, any lustful thoughts had dissipated. At least when he did start these conversations it did seem to turn him on, despite her continued non-participation. She did want him to be happy, to enjoy himself, but there were limits to how far she would actively go to assist.
09:15: HornEnvy : How close are we to making this happen
09:15: Tarb4u : very close now. I’ve got her in my sights
09:15: HornEnvy : Are you going to make a move?
09:16: Tarb4u : Oh yes, she’s going to get it real soon
09:17: HornEnvy : And you will tell me all about it, all the details
09:18: Tarb4u : I will, but you’ll be able to see it too
09:18: Tarb4u : I’ll make sure I capture every moment
09:18: HornEnvy : I can’t wait
09:19: Tarb4u : I’ll let you know when I’ve done her
Chapter 5
Poppy walked on unsteady legs down the alleyway and her stalker followed at a discreet distance. Her pretty young face was lit with the blue-white light from her mobile phone and her continued focus on its small screen resulted in a gait that described a slowly staggering path. Deftly tapping in her latest Twitter status occupied eighty percent of her attention, while the other twenty percent revelled in the memories of her recent assignation.
Tonight had been rather special. Who would have thought that such a handsome man would want to pay her so much attention? He thought she was wonderful. He had told her so only a couple of hours ago. And then he had taken the most wonderful photographs of her for his private collection, after which they had made love. She was in love. It didn't need 135 characters to tell the world that. It would be a shock to her friends. It would be a shock to Mimi, her perfect little kitten.
She tapped the 'Tweet' button and looked up, not quite realising where she was at first. Her eyes squinted as she adjusted to the change in light from the bright white screen of her iPhone, to the shadow-laden tunnel of the alleyway. It took a few seconds