their young lives. Peter had hired her father when he saw the distress and destitution they were living in. Jonathan and Ruth had grown up together on the land. In life they had found themselves toiling side by side in the fields, through many happy times of course, but many trying times. The drought 2 years ago. How did they survive that, they had wondered many a day. Then came the year of the floods, when most of the crop was destroyed. It seemed to be a lean year. However, Peter was always storing away, for some such year as this, so as to make the impact less traumatic to all. He was a good father and taught Jonathan and Jacob well.
Peter and Naomi were overjoyed when Jonathan chose Ruth to be his wife. Naomi had always observed the closeness of the two, but Jacob refused to even acknowledge Ruth most of the time. He always thought he was better than the rest. Naomi was concerned over Jacob’s attitudes and also his distance from God. Jonathan loved God and looked to please Him in the way he handled his business and his family.
When the south fired its first shot, all three men had went off to war, seemingly as confederates, but had made their way north, changed uniforms and fought for the northern army. Their home was physically in the south. But their hearts and their allegiance, was to what they all three agreed on, their great nation. While away they attempted to keep in touch with their wives as much as possible. Their letters home, because of suspicions raised through the years, had been intercepted, at that post office, by the confederates. The women were all questioned for several days by the soldiers. The army had taken all of the horses, Peter’s pride and joy, and left them one work horse. Naomi had said the same thing that day, “God’s grace, we’ll need that horse!”
Last winter the three men made their way back home, but were dressed in confederate uniforms. With no way for Naomi to get a message back to them, none knew that they had been exposed. The soldiers were waiting for them. All three were hung on the front porch.
It’s Time To Go Home
Naomi broke the silence. “I’m going home,” she said softly. “God wants me home.”
“I’ll go with you,” replied Ruth, with little emotion.
“No, you’ll stay. It’s too dangerous in the north, never mind the trip home. Your speech will betray you I am sure, both of you.”
“We have nothing here,” Ruth spoke.
“I’ll go to my brother in Lexington. I received a letter at the post office the other day from him asking me to come,” Orpah said slowly.
“Ruth, your mother will help,” Naomi said without looking at her.
And Ruth responded without hesitation, “Don’t ask me to leave you. Where you go, I will go. Where you stay, I will stay. Your family will be my family. Your God will be my God. I knew nothing of Christ until you taught me. My family still refuses to allow Jesus in their lives and homes.”
Orpah began walking without a goodbye, but filled with tears and emotions. She could not look back, or she may be tempted to go with them.
“I am sure they will not make it, at least my brother slipped in this letter of reference for my safe passage,” she spoke to herself.
Orpah had never understood the blind faith. Jacob did not take the time to teach her of these Godly things he was raised in. He insisted it was foolishness when she would ask him of Naomi’s attempts to influence her. Orpah understood Naomi was a special woman and could see the differences between herself and Ruth. Many times she viewed the close relationship between Naomi and Ruth as an exclusion of herself. It was of course not true. Naomi and Ruth tried constantly to include Orpah in their lives. Jacob worked hard at keeping Orpah busy with the details of their new mansion, so as to keep her away from what he viewed